News archive

February 2019

Kinder mit buntem Schleim

Visit of Neighbours

Producing coloured slime, putting the cells of their own oral mucosa under the microscope or make alginate balls - these were the the things children of the preschool group of the kindergarden "Landgrafenstieg" could try on 1 February, 2019. The KiTa is located in the immediate vicinity of our premises, so it was of course particularly interesting for the children to see what is hidden behind our walls. We are very happy about the good neighborship and look forward to many more visits!




January 2019

Lab Tour

13th Ernst Abbe competition

On 25 January, 2019 we were delighted about the visit of students of the tenth grade of the "Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasien" from Oberkochen, Eisenach and Jena as well as the "Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena". They had come together on the occasion of the meanwhile 13th Ernst Abbe competition, in which mixed teams work on scientific issues. After this rather theoretical work, doctoral candidates of the CRC PolyTarget de guided the young science enthusiasts through our laboratories in the Center for Applied Research (ZAF) and presented their work in a vivid way. Thereafter, Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert answered the question "How do drugs reach their specific place of use in our bodies?"



December 2018


Professor Schubert with his instrument

The Spokesperson of the CRC PolyTarget Professor Ulrich S. Schubert is "University Teacher of the Year"!Kempen: "Founder of the International Young Orchestra Academy combines promotion of young talent and international understanding with outstanding commitment to children suffering from cancer"

The German University Association (DHV) honors Professor Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert as "University Teacher of the Year".

"Ulrich S. Schubert is a leading international chemist and materials scientist with research interests in polymers for nanomedicine, self-healing polymers and metal-free battery systems. As a fivefold father, he is also highly committed to supporting young people outside of his field of expertise," explained the president of the DHV , Professor Bernhard Kempen, the decision. As a passionate clarinettist, Schubert founded the International Young Orchestra Academy (IJOA) back in 1994, which he has since supported in many ways with a lot of passion and energy. "The orchestra academy not only promotes young musical talents, but with more than 3,000 young artists from 90 nations, stands for a true international understanding," emphasized Kempen. The "temporary orchestra" will be occupied by an international competition and study with experienced teachers and conductors during a two-week stay in Germany large symphonic orchestral works, which will be recorded together with the Bavarian Radio on CD and then performed on a concert tour, funded by sponsors and patrons who are recruited anew every year by the Jena scientist. The resulting net proceeds and dedicated donations, which so far amount to more than one million euros, will benefit regional projects to help children with cancer and seriously ill children. "Ulrich S. Schubert Schubert combines promotion of young talent, cultural enjoyment and international understanding in an exemplary manner with the idea of charity," continued the president of DHV. Thus, Schubert has increased the reputation of science in Germany and has rendered outstanding services to the profession of university teachers.

The award includes prize money of 10,000 euros and will be awarded to Professor Schubert on 8 April, 2019, as part of the "Gala of German Science" in Berlin.

Click here for the press release of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (German link) de

The Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk has also reported: here you can access the report in the news program MDR aktuell de and here you will find the article on MDR Radio (German links) de

This is the homepage of the Internationale Junge OrchesterakademieExternal link

This is the homepage of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband, in short DHV)External link



November 2018


Group photo of the participants

First retreat of our Collaborative Research Center

On 7 and 8 November, 2018 our first retreat of the Collaborative Research Centers took place. All participants of the CRC spent two intensive days in a picturesque environment in the Hotel Dorotheenhof Weimar to exchange views on previous research results and to discuss the resulting open questions. Conclusion of the event by the speaker Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert: "This first retreat has contributed enormously to the further networking between the participants in our Collaborative Research Center!"



Little researchers visiting

On 6 November we had a very special visit: pupils of the first and second grade of the State Elementary School Heinrich-Heine Jena came to us to get a taste of university and laboratory air. Not only did the young researchers listen to an interesting lecture on "making edible glass", they also did experiments in our labs. For example, they examined their oral mucus under a microscope, made lollipops from sugar solution, mixed colorful slime, produced alginate balls and pulled nylon threads. "I liked making the slime best," said the eight-year-old Theo Küchler after the event, and with this opinion he was certainly not alone. Who knows, maybe we have already been able to inspire a future chemist for our subject?

Here are some impressions:

October 2018


Prof. Dr. Alejandro J. Müller giving his lecture

Our guests in October

There were two lectures in the third week of October: On Tuesday, 16 October, Prof. Dr. Alejandro J. Müller from the University of the Basque Country San Sebastian (Spain) spoke in front of a full lecture hall on "Isodimorphic Behavior of Biodegradable Copolyesters: Structure and Crystallization Behavoir". On Friday, 19 October, Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderon from the Freie Universität Berlin gave a lecture on "Breaking the barrier - Efficient topical delivery using thermoresponsive nanogels."
Many thanks to both speakers for the interesting impulses and the sound scientific exchange!

Learn more about the lecture of Prof. Dr. Alejandro J. Müllerpdf, 244 kb · de

Learn more about the lecture of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderonpdf, 295 kb · de



A woman in a library

New publication in "Progress in Polymer Science"

Recently, our new review article was published that covers the whole field of pharmaceutical polymers. In this review, we summarize all these classes of synthetic polymers, which are on the market as well as the latest developments in clinical trials, and describe their application in polymer-drug conjugates, as excipients, in nano-/microscopic and macroscopic drug carriers, as polymeric coatings, or as polymeric drugs. Our intention is to create a link between the underlying chemical structures, the properties of the polymers, and their area of application, where they are often just known by their trade names or abbreviations. In addition selected types of synthetic polymers are highlighted that feature interesting properties and have the potential to make it to the market in future.

Link to the articleExternal link



Professor Schubert with his instrument

Federal Cross of Merit for Professor Schubert

"Culture connects!" - Under this motto, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier honored 29 citizens with the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the Day of German Unity. The 13 women and 16 men have made outstanding contributions to the Federal Republic through their extraordinary artistic achievements, their outstanding voluntary work or their cultural and political commitment.

Among the distinguished citizens is Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert, Jena (Chairman of the Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie, Professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Spokesperson of the CRC PolyTarget).

Culture creates community. Ulrich S. Schubert is one of the world's leading chemists - and he is also a passionate clarinetist. Being able to train young people is a great stroke of luck both as a scientist and in music. In 1994 Ulrich S. Schubert founded the International Young Orchestra Academy. The renowned Youth Symphony Orchestra not only promotes professionally young talents, but also practices international understanding, for example, by bringing together young people from North and South Korea to perform together. With the proceeds from the concerts and now more than 20 CDs social assistance actions are supported. The five-time father has already raised more than one million euros for children with cancer.

The award ceremony took place on 2 October, 2018 at 11 am in Bellevue Palace.

Homepage of the Internationale Junge OrchesterakademieExternal link

Press Release of the Office of the Federal President (German link)External link

Press Resease of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (German link)External link

Interview with Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert with the newspaper "Thüringer Allgemeine" (German link)External link

Handover of the Federal Cross of Merit by Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Image: Bundesregierung / Gero Breloer

Group picture of all winners with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Image: Bundesregierung / Gero Breloer



September 2018


Chemist uses a pipette to insert cell samples into a so-called microtiter plate

Jena successful in the strategy of excellence

PolyTarget is an important building block of the Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse"


The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has received the award for a Cluster of Excellence. As the selection panel announced in Bonn on 27 September, 2018, the Jena cluster application "Balance of the Microverse" is one of the 57 selected clusters that will be funded in the German Excellence Strategy over the next seven years. In the Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse", the University of Jena cooperates with its University Hospital and external research institutions.
The CRC 1278 PolyTarget forms a central element of the Cluster of Excellence with research on tailor-made materials and nanocontainers. As co-applicants directly involved in the Cluster of Excellence are the project leaders Prof. Dr. med. Michael Bauer, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp, Prof. Dr. Rainer Heinzmann and Prof. Dr. Felix H. Schacher and the spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence Prof. Dr. Axel Brakhage and the spokesperson of the SFB 1278, Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert.



Open House on 22 September

With more than 400 visitors, our Open House on 22 September, 2018 was a great success! We opened our doors as part of the nationwide Day of Chemistry, to which the German chemical industry association (VCI) called. In addition to information stands, various lectures and laboratory tours, there were many exciting experiments and a wheel of fortune especially for our younger guests. Here are some impressions:

Cover of the white paper

Image: FG Makro/GDCh

More than 130 polymer experts
1 white paper

A new white paper Polymer Research in Germany is published by the division of macromolecular chemistry of the German Society of Chemistry (GDCh), which is supported by more than 130 professors as well as industry representatives and a range of scientific divisions. The coordination was performed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and Prof. Dr. Martin Möller (RWTH Aachen and Leibniz-Institute DWI). The pdf-Version (in German and English) can be found at the website of the division of macromolecular chemistry link.

The task of this white paper on polymer research is to contribute towards shaping and promoting of the research field and to draw attention to the expansion and integration of other sub-fields to one large scientific field of Molecular Materials and Polymer Science, which has already been initiated. The authors are convinced that this is one of the most exciting and most influential scientific fields of the 21st century. However, due to its interdisciplinary interconnection its advancement represents a challenge for universities and research institutes but also for the future development of competitive support structures.

The verbalized future perspectives are first and foremost addressed to scientists, with the goal of promoting interdisciplinary cooperation and convergence but also to associations, the media as well as funding agencies and supporters to illustrate the general importance of the progress perspectives on a larger scale.



February 2018


CRC Workshop

workshop Jan 2018

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

In January 2018 was the first workshop of the CRC PolyTarget.

As speakers we were happy to welcome Dr. Stefan Randl (Evonik Hanau), Dr. Andrea Hanefeld (Merck Darmstadt), Markus Ortlieb (German Patent and Trademark Office, Jena) as well as two members of our Scientific Advisory Board - Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr (University of Saarbrücken) and Prof. Dr. James L. Hedrick (IBM San Jose, USA).

Research results

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