The main task of the integrated Research Training Group (RTG) is to promote the scientific expertise of the doctoral candidates. The group aims to broaden the training of doctoral candidates at the university level by providing the opportunity for candidates to participate in the already existing PhD programs of related training groups in Jena.
The main tasks of the RTG staff includes the management of the recruitment process for PhD researchers and their training to efficiently accomplish high quality theses and publications. A visiting scientist program and short-term scholarships offers additional qualification improvement possibilities.
Image: FSU Jena / Irina MuljajewDr. Stephanie Schubert
Image: Dr. Stephanie SchubertDr. Stephanie Schubert
Institute of Pharmacy (IP)
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Otto-Schott-Str. 41
07747 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9-48599
Prof. Dr. Oliver Werz
Image: Prof. Dr. Oliver WerzProf. Dr. Oliver Werz
Institute of Pharmacy (IP)
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Philosophenweg 14
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9-49801
Michael Streiber
Image: Arlene KnipperMichael Streiber
Center for Applied Research (ZAF)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Philosophenweg 7
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9-48575
Career coaching "Career development for female doctoral scientists"
Dr. Anne-Christin Warskulat, CuriositasContent:
In the first part, the participants use their experience and knowledge to develop the spectrum of their professional and personal skills. With this knowledge they determine their professional wishes and finally concrete career paths. They then determine the appropriate short, medium and long-term steps towards their personal career revision through guidance. This also includes that the participants deal with the procedures and requirements of the application process, the written application and the associated selection procedures (job interview, assessment centre, etc.).The second part of the coaching aims to support the participants in their productivity and stress management. They learn to identify direct and indirect stressors, blockages and pitfalls in their own ways of working and thinking and to develop and implement individual solution strategies. For this purpose, methods for constructive conversation, time and self management as well as collegial case consulting can be tested. In the next step the participants are instructed to activate and develop the own resources for the conversion of the seized personal goals. Furthermore there is the possibility to get to know active and passive regeneration and relaxation measures. The methods used consist of reflection exercises, processing of case studies, theoretical input as well as discussion and exchange of experience. The knowledge gained can be easily transferred to future professional and personal challenges.
Joint summer school with the CRC 1066 "Nanodimensional polymer therapeutics for tumor therapy" of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
Gruppenbild Summer School 2019
Image: FSU Jena / Michael GottschaldtFrom 25 to 28 June, 2019, we spent a week at the idyllic Hotel Rhön Residence in Dipperz near Fulda networking with the thematically similar Collaborative Research Centre 1066 under the motto "NANOMEDICINE - FORMULATION, CHARACTERIZATION, TRANSLATION". The main focus here was on the presentation of individual subprojects, but guest lectures by Prof. Dr. Lorenz Meinel (Julius Maximilians University Würzburg) or Dr. Heinrich Haas (BioNTech AG, Mainz), for example, also met with great interest. In addition, workshops were offered on "PubPharm - The search platform for pharmacy-specific literature" (Stefan Wulle, University Library Braunschweig) and "Successful publishing in scientific journals and project DEAL" (Dr. David Huesmann, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).
The next joint summer school is planned for July 2022.
Statistics Course
TeilnehmerInnen des Statistikkurses
Image: FSU Jena / Franziska HausigAt the request of our PhD students, we offer a Statistics Course, in which not only the basics can be discussed, but also challenges and questions of the concrete working day. In particular the topics correlation, t-test, one-way-ANOVA, two-way-ANOVA, repeated measurement ANOVA, linear regression, nonlinear regression as well as power and sample size planning are in focus.
RTG meets Industry
Mr. Kaiser holding his lecture
On 18 October, 2018, Mr. Clemens Kaiser, head of the German branch of Sanofi-Aventis, visited our two material-related collaborated research centers PolyTarget and CataLight. He was accompanied by colleagues from the chemical division of the company in Frankfurt. He and his colleagues also met with the PhD students of both CRCs to discuss their questions about a career in the chemical industry and to give an introduction to their company.
Introduction to the GxPs with focus on GMP and GLP
Dr. Michael Hildebrand, Hildebrand Pharma ConsultingContent:
The goal of the course is to give an overview of drug development and manufacturing with focus on GxPs, e.g. Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and Good Storage Practice (GSP). -
I'm talking - skillfully talking and presenting when it really matters
Gottfried HoffmannContent:
In this workshop, one can learn how to balance unhealthy stress while presenting and talking. Refine the perception for yourself and others, deepen the understanding of communication processes and develop a (still) greater peace and serenity. The playful interrelation of awake activity of the senses, theoretical knowledge, inner order and sovereign body expression are worked on from different sides in the practical action and experience the complexity of this interaction in the collegial exchange and in the feedback of the group. Video recordings support the integration of what has been worked into the wealth of experience. -
Monthly seminars for doctoral students of the Research Training Group
The regular meetings take place once a month during the lecture period. Besides project presentations by RTG members, there is always a tutorial by PI's or guests.
- Introduction to e-notebook, Dr. Jürgen Vitz, 20.10.2017
- Specific pharmacological challenges, Prof. Dr. Oliver Werz, 17.11.2017
- Tailor-made polymers, Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert, 15.12.2017
- Characterisation of polymer nanoparticles and drug uptake by optical microspectroscopy,
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dietzek, 19.01.2018 - Nearfield-spectroscopy / Nano-Raman, Prof. Dr. Volker Deckert, 27.04.2018
- The hen’s egg model, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer, 25.05.2018
- How free cationic chains promote gene transfection, Prof. Dr. Chi Wu (Hong Kong
University, China)*, 22.06.2018 - Scattering techniques to analyse polymer nanostructures, Prof. Dr. Kazuo Sakurai (University Kitakyushu, Japan)*, 13.07.2018
- Breaking the barrier – Efficient topical delivery using thermoresponsive nanogels,
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Calderon (University of the Basque Country, Spain)*, 19.10.2018 - Nanoparticles vs. micelles – Design criteria and preparation pathways, Prof. Dr. Felix H. Schacher, 14.12.2018
- Introduction to atomic force microscopy: Principles and applications (part I), Prof. Dr. Klaus Jandt, 11.01.2019
- Introduction to atomic force microscopy: Principles and applications (part II), Prof. Dr. Klaus Jandt, 01.02.2019
- Solution characterisation of pharmapolymers and nanoparticles, PD Dr. Ivo Nischang, 05.04.2019
- Aspekte zur Planung von Tierversuchen, Sabine Bischof (UKJ Jena)*, 17.05.2019
- Possibilities / failures in the preparation / characterization of polymeric NPs for in vitro and in vivo studies, Dr. Stephanie Schubert, 12.07.2019
- The art of characterising off-target effects of nanoparticles, Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorkowski, 25.10.2019
- Lipid membrane organisation as a gateway to the cell – an optical microscopy study, Prof. Dr. Christian Eggeling, 13.12.2019
- Infection, inflammation, sepsis – A primer, Prof. Dr. Michael Bauer, 17.01.2020
- Electron microscopy (part II), PD Dr. Stephanie Höppener, 15.05.2020
- High-throughput / -output synthesis and formulation, Dr. Carlos Guerrero-Sanchez, 12.06.2020
- Short intro to a new drawing program, Dr. Stephanie Schubert, 17.07.2020
- How and why to access protein-protein interactions and conformational changes of GPCRs in living cells?, Prof. Dr. Carsten Hoffmann, 20.11.2020
- Challenges to gene delivery and how to overcome them, Dr. Anja Träger, 30.04.2021
- Pros and Cons of RAFT and other controlled radical polymerization methods, Dr. Johannes Brendel, 04.06.2021
- Mechanisms of selectivity in membrane permeabilization, Dr. Maria Hoernke (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br.)*, 09.07.2021
- Sugars as targeting units, apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Gottschaldt, 22.10.2021
- Image analysis, Dr. Zoltan Cseresnyes, 19.11.2021
- E-Notebook, Dr. Jürgen Vitz, 17.12.2021
- BioRender, Dr. Stephanie Schubert, 17.12.2021
- Elektronenmikroskopie, PD Dr. Stephanie Höppener, 21.01.2022
- Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, Prof. Dr. Christian Eggeling, 21.01.2022
- Vorstellung Tierversuchs-Rahmenvertrag, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Adrian Press, 11.02.2022
- Zellversuche Makrophagen, Prof. Dr. Oliver Werz, 11.02.2022